New Year Resolutions
January – Is It Worthwhile Making New Years’ Resolutions?
As the clock strikes 12 on the 31st of December, plenty of people around the world are likely to be thinking about the year ahead. Some perhaps may even make some New Year’s resolutions. New Year’s resolutions are promises that you make to yourself about the things that you are going to do differently.
They may sound like a positive idea, but here at Gifts from Handpicked, we want to look at whether or not they really are worth making.
Why New Year’s Resolutions are great
First of all let’s look at the positive reasons for making New Year’s resolutions. They are, essentially, a promise to yourself that you are going to change something in your life. This could be going to the gym more, looking for a new career, or perhaps finding love.
They can be a great idea for those people that feel that they might need a bit of an extra push to make sure that they get where they want to be. Particularly if you want to train or prepare for a major life event, such as running a marathon or travelling to somewhere new and exciting.
Why they might not always be a good idea
In some circumstances, New Year’s resolutions can be great, but equally, they may not work for some people. For some people, New Year’s resolutions are a bit of an empty promise, they have no intention of changing their ways, but think that they should say something. Equally, there are people who make sweeping generalised resolutions such as “I will be a better person” which are not always as easy to do as they sound.
By making these big promises, you are really setting yourself up for a fall, and in the long run you could end up feeling disappointed with yourself and a little dejected too.
Ultimately, whether or not you make a New Year’s resolution really depends on you. If you can see it as a bit of a challenge, a push to do something you really want to do, then go for it. However, if it is an empty promise, or something that is going to put you under pressure, then perhaps it is a better idea to leave it until you are feeling up to the challenge.
After all, you don’t have to just make New Year’s resolutions one day of the year, you can make these promises whenever you feel it is right.